Grupos Escolares Puy du Fou


Step 1. Grupos Escolares Puy du Fou

Condiciones: Se considera grupo escolar al formado por un mínimo de 20 escolares de pago hasta 17 años, con reserva previa y para un día concreto.

Gratuidades: Dos entradas gratuitas para los acompañantes por cada 20 jóvenes o escolares de pago.

El Sueño de Toledo es un espectáculo nocturno exterior, las gradas no están cubiertas y no se anula en caso de lluvia. Es imprescindible llegar 1 hora antes del inicio del espectáculo. Deberá consultar el horario de apertura 24 horas antes de su visita

Importante: Las Tarifas escolares no aplican los sábados, domingos ni festivos (19/03, 28/03, 29/03 y 01/05)

Entrada Experiencia completa 2 días: Espectáculo Nocturno (1er día) + Parque de día (2º día) PREFERENTE. Los asientos se asignarán de forma automática y aleatoria una vez confirmada la reserva.

Adult School Group Admission (Night Show (1st day) + Day Park (2nd day) PREFERRED

Ticket valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in preferential seating (1st day) and access to Puy du Fou España Park (2nd day), only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Children's School Group Ticket (Night Show (1st day) + Day Park (2nd day) PREFERRED

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old inclusive. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in preferential stands (1st day) and access to the Puy du Fou España Park (2nd day), only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Free Adult School Group Admission (Night Show (1st day) + Day Park (2nd day) PREFERRED

1 free ticket for every 20 paying adults. Ticket valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in preferential seating (1st day) and access to Puy du Fou España Park (2nd day), for the selected date only. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Adult School Group Ticket (Night Show (1st day) + Day Park (2nd day) PREFERRED. Promotion.

Ticket valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in preferential seating (1st day) and access to Puy du Fou España Park (2nd day), only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Children's School Group Ticket (Night Show (1st day) + Day Park (2nd day) PREFERRED. Promotion.

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old inclusive. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in preferential stands (1st day) and access to the Puy du Fou España Park (2nd day), only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Free Adult School Group Entry (Night Show (1st day) + Day Park (2nd day) PREFERRED. Promotion.

1 free ticket for every 20 paying adults. Ticket valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in preferential seating (1st day) and access to Puy du Fou España Park (2nd day), only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Válidas para acceder al Parque Puy du Fou España + Espectáculo Nocturno "El Sueño de Toledo" en la zona clásica, el mismo día. Los asientos se asignarán de forma automática y aleatoria una vez confirmada la reserva.

Accompanying Adult Ticket Puy du Fou Park Group Spain + Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Classic

Ticket valid for people over 18 years old. Children under 3 years of age on the date of the show have free access (sitting on the lap of an adult), upon presentation of proof. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in the classical grandstand and access to the Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not canceled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Puy du Fou Spain Park Youth and School Ticket + Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Classic

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old inclusive. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand and access to the Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Companion Free Entry Puy du Fou Park Spain + Night Show "Dream of Toledo" Classic

Two free tickets for accompanying persons for every 20 paying young people or schoolchildren. Valid for 1 day. Valid for people aged 18 and over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand and access to the Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Accompanying Adult Ticket Puy du Fou Park Group Spain + Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Classic

Ticket valid for people aged 18 and over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand and access to Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Puy du Fou Spain Park Youth and School Ticket + Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Classic

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old inclusive. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand and access to the Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Companion Free Entry Puy du Fou Park Spain + Night Show "Dream of Toledo" Classic

Two free tickets for accompanying persons for every 20 paying young people or schoolchildren. Valid for 1 day. Valid for people aged 18 and over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand and access to the Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Válidas para acceder al Parque Puy du Fou España + Espectáculo Nocturno "El Sueño de Toledo" en la zona preferente, el mismo día. Los asientos se asignarán de forma automática y aleatoria una vez confirmada la reserva.

Ubicación Preferente: Con este suplemento disfruta de una ubicación más centrada en el Espectáculo Nocturno.

Accompanying Adult Ticket Puy du Fou Spain Park Group + Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Preferential

Ticket valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in a preferential grandstand (seating in the grandstand that guarantees a preferential location in the central grandstand with panoramic views) and access to the Puy du Fou España Park. Valid only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Ticket for Young People and Schoolchildren Puy du Fou Spain Park + Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Preferential

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to the age of 17 inclusive. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in the Preferred grandstand and access to the Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Free Admission Companion Puy du Fou Park Spain + Night Show "Dream of Toledo" Preferential

Two free tickets for accompanying persons for every 20 paying young people or schoolchildren. Valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in preferential seating and access to Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Accompanying Adult Ticket Puy du Fou Spain Park Group + Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Preferential

Ticket valid for people aged 18 and over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in a preferential grandstand (seating in the grandstand that guarantees a preferential location in the central grandstand with panoramic views) and access to the Puy du Fou España Park. Valid only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Ticket for Young People and Schoolchildren Puy du Fou Spain Park + Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Preferential

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to the age of 17 inclusive. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in the Preferred grandstand and access to the Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Free Admission Companion Puy du Fou Park Spain + Night Show "Dream of Toledo" Preferential

Two free tickets for accompanying persons for every 20 paying young people or schoolchildren. Valid for people aged 18 and over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in preferential seating and access to Puy du Fou España Park, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation has been confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in the event of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations. It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Válidas para acceder al Espectáculo Nocturno "El Sueño de Toledo" (no incluye acceso al parque) en la zona clásica. Los asientos se asignarán de forma automática y aleatoria una vez confirmada la reserva.

Accompanying Adult Ticket Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Classic

Ticket valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain.The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Youth and School Ticket Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Classic

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old inclusive. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Free Admission Accompanying Night Show "Sueño de Toledo" Classical

Two free tickets for accompanying persons for every 20 paying youth or schoolchildren. Ticket valid for persons aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain.The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Accompanying Adult Ticket Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Classic

Ticket valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain.The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Youth and School Ticket Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Classic

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old inclusive. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Free Admission Accompanying Night Show "Sueño de Toledo" Classical

Two free tickets for accompanying persons for every 20 paying youth or schoolchildren. Ticket valid for persons aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain.The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Válidas para acceder al Espectáculo Nocturno "El Sueño de Toledo" (no incluye acceso al parque) en la zona preferente. Los asientos se asignarán de forma automática y aleatoria una vez confirmada la reserva.

Ubicación Preferente: Con este suplemento disfruta de una ubicación más centrada en el Espectáculo Nocturno.

Ticket for young people and school children Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Preferred

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in preferential grandstand (seating in the grandstand that guarantees a preferential location in the central grandstand with panoramic views). Valid only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Accompanying Adult Ticket Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Preferred

Ticket valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain.The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Free Admission Companion Night Show "Dream of Toledo" Preferred

Two free tickets for accompanying persons for every 20 paying youth or schoolchildren. . Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Ticket for young people and school children Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Preferred

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old. Personal ticket valid to enjoy the show for 1 day in preferential stands (seating in the stands that guarantees a preferential location in the central stand with panoramic views). Valid only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Accompanying Adult Ticket Night Show "El Sueño de Toledo" Preferred

Ticket valid for people aged 18 or over. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain.The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Free Admission Companion Night Show "Dream of Toledo" Preferred

Two free tickets for accompanying persons for every 20 paying young people or schoolchildren. Ticket valid for persons aged 18 or over. Children under 3 years old on the date of the show have free admission (sitting on the lap of an adult), upon presentation of proof. Personal ticket valid for enjoying the show for 1 day in the classic grandstand, only for the selected date. Seats will be assigned automatically and randomly once the reservation is confirmed. El Sueño de Toledo is an outdoor night show, the stands are not covered and it is not cancelled in case of rain. The park does not allow changes or cancellations.It is essential to arrive 1 hour before the start of the show.

Válidas para acceder al Parque un día. No incluye el espectáculo nocturno "El Sueño de Toledo".

Accompanying Adult Ticket Puy du Fou Park Spain (Without Night Show)

Ticket valid for people over 18 years old. Personal ticket valid to access the Puy du Fou España Park for one day. Does not include the night show "El Sueño de Toledo".The park does not allow changes or cancellations.

Entrance for young people and schoolchildren Puy du Fou Park Spain (Without Night Show)

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old inclusive. Personal ticket valid for access to the Puy du Fou España Park for one day. Does not include the night show "El Sueño de Toledo".The park does not allow changes or cancellations.

Entrance for young people and schoolchildren Puy du Fou Park Spain (Without Night Show)

Ticket valid for young people and schoolchildren up to 17 years old inclusive. Personal ticket valid for access to the Puy du Fou España Park for one day. Does not include the night show "El Sueño de Toledo".The park does not allow changes or cancellations.

Accompanying Adult Ticket Puy du Fou Park Spain (Without Night Show)

Ticket valid for people over 18 years old. Personal ticket valid to access the Puy du Fou España Park for one day. Does not include the night show "El Sueño de Toledo".The park does not allow changes or cancellations.

Companion Free Entry Puy du Fou Park Spain (WITHOUT Night Show)

Two free tickets for accompanying persons for every 20 paying young people or schoolchildren. Ticket valid for persons aged 18 or over (coach driver). Personal ticket valid for access to the Puy du Fou España Park for one day. Does not include the night show "El Sueño de Toledo".The park does not allow changes or cancellations.

Descripción de los Menús:

  • Menú Escolares A: Bocadillo Artesano (Jamón y queso), dulce de chocolate y agua.
  • Menú Escolares B: Hamburguesa 100g, Patatas Fritas, Mousse de chocolate y agua. Menú Escolar D Pasta Boloñesa, Filete de pollo empanado, patatas fritas, mousse de chocolate y agua.

School Menu A

Menu valid for a minimum of 20 schoolchildren between the ages of 4 and 17 and their teachers whose reservation request comes from a school, youth association, youth centre, study academies, sports centres, etc. Option not valid for Saturdays and Sundays. The menu includes: Artisanal Sandwich (Ham and cheese), chocolate jam and water.

School Menu B

Menu valid for a minimum of 20 schoolchildren between the ages of 4 and 17 and their teachers whose reservation request comes from a school, youth associations, youth centers, study academies, sports centers, etc. Option not valid for Saturdays and Sundays. The Menu includes: 100g Hamburger, French Fries, Chocolate Mousse and water.

School Menu C

Menu valid for a minimum of 20 schoolchildren between the ages of 4 and 17 and their teachers whose reservation request comes from a school, youth associations, youth centres, study academies, sports centres, etc. Option not valid for Saturdays and Sundays. The menu includes: 150 gr hamburger, French fries, chocolate mousse, water

School Menu D

Menu valid for a minimum of 20 schoolchildren aged between 4 and 17 years and their teachers whose reservation request comes from a school, youth associations, youth centres, study academies, sports centres, etc. Option not valid for Saturdays and Sundays. The Menu includes: Bolognese Pasta, Breaded Chicken Fillet, French Fries, Chocolate Mousse and Water.

FREE School Menu

Menu valid for a minimum of 20 people. Free menu for group companions who meet the conditions.
